Saturday, November 28, 2009

2 weeks to go

2 weeks to go for giving birth.
da prepare tas yg mo dibawa ke RS. rencananya mo lairan di Panti Rapih aja.
dengan pertimbangan jarak yg deket dari rumah.
wow,2 weeks to go. can you imagine? the baby will change my whole life.
am i ready? i have to be ready,right!
lately ga bisa bobo tiap malem.kata dokter sih itu wajar coz ibu baru biasanya
suka cemas menghadapi hari H. i do agree with you!!

brati kudu ngepolin jalan-jalan ni.kalo baby da lair da ga bisa jalan2 kan

btw, nama sudah ada for our son. nama yg dipilih sengaja nama jawa.
kita belum (ato tidak?) tertarik ngasih nama latin,kebarat-baratan. jawa aja lah.

ayo bersiap!!!

ps: hai temans,siap-siap menjenguk kami ya :P

Monday, November 16, 2009

tidak lagi

hm...sudah tidak terlintas tapi tetap sering muncul.
dibawah alam sadar pula.
what should i do?

Thursday, November 5, 2009


yippie....setelah diimbangi dengan perjuangan berat akhirnya...

pasporku da jadi!!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

stuck disini saja!

segudang tujuan yg pengen direalisasikan selama di jogja blm kesampaian.
knp blm bisa kesampaian?coz disibukkan priksa ke dokter, senam hamil ma yg paling penting lg bikin paspor.

sumpah,ribet aja ya ngurus paspor. setelah bolak balik ke kantor imigrasi (yg lumayan jauh jaraknya), akirnya di approve juga. paspor bisa diambil besok jumat. yippie!!!

kpn ya bisa hangout ke amplaz, nanamia, mirota batik? wah keburu our lil son lahir niy....

ps: ni lg diwarnet..secara modem ditinggal di jakarta, yg lucu....tetangga bilik nyanyi2

Friday, October 30, 2009


dah terdamapr di jogja juga.
tidak begitu "meriah" seperti yg aku bayangkan.
lebih merindukan diya yg disana.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

it's so cute!!!

setelah membaca Mother&Baby...i just find out kalo ada Bodyshop for baby....

these are some of the products...

Monday, October 19, 2009

what a happy year!

it seems this year and next years spreads a happiness.why?
1. some of my friends are getting married
2. one of my friends wants to engage
3. i will get special gift from HIM: my future son.

ouw....what a lovely years!

ps: i'm ready to meet old friends. jogja...i'm coming!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

do you know why?

do you know....
1. why the sky is blue?
2. why i like the smell of the rain?
3. why i always miss my city?
4. why i can marry you or you can marry me?

5. why i have the same dreams?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

proudly present

this is the new member of our camera family......

name: samsung SL420

color: black

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


benci dengan keadaan kompi yg lg eror.
jadi tidak bisa meng-upload poto-poto.
apa yg harus aku lalukan????

btw, H-18 menuju aku cuti. yippie!!!!

ps: 1.pocket digicam sudah ditangan.
ada 1 yg nyantol di hati tapi harganya ga nyantol bgt.
2. buwat ana: aku juga mau lumix!!!!tapi apa daya,tangan tak sampai :(

Sunday, October 4, 2009

dreams-dreams-and dreams

susahnya meraih our dreams.....
one of my dreams that comes true is being a kindergarten teacher.
hehehehe....but still have so many dreams that are waiting!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


tiba-tiba pengen mengalokasikan duit bwt beli pocket digicam.
ayooooo,segera direlisasikan sebelum duit lari kmana-mana!!!
jatuh cintanya sih sama bang SONY tapi ada rekomendasi buwat kenalan
ma bang OLYMPUS. ugh,jadi bingung.
yasud,tar kalo jadi beli i'll let you know ya.see ya....

ps: tomorrow is a working day.semangad!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009


the fact is......WE ARE DIFFERENT!
that's why the term of "understanding" emerges ya?

sometimes feel hurt when that differences appear.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

salary day!

i should be feel happy right coz i get my salary day.
ugh...wanna shop so many things but it seems
i need extra money since i have to save my salary.
things need to buy for this month:
1.kado buwat pak tile (it seems i'm gonna buy a wallet for him)
2.body shop (lg ada special price)'s stuff

yg sudah dibeli on the first day of my salary day (???)
1. cd klakustik #1
2. stitch gambar balerina (it's so cute)
3. some clothes for my future son

hua....still have 29 days to go!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

dan dinamakan B.O.S.A.N

(dgn sedih hati) akhirnya sampe juga pada titik kebosanan!

hua....liburan yg diisi tanpa suatu kegiatan berarti. d#*$n!
benar-benar membosankan. just stay di kos ajah.

i wish i can go home.

Monday, September 14, 2009

dress for pregnant mother

berhubung tgl 25 okto besok ada kondangan,terpaksalah kebingungan cari dress.
sebenarnya ga pgn bingung (halah) tapi berhubung body lg membengkak,
ya i need a dress lah (bilang aja mo blanja!). eh pas lg jalan-jalan ke kemang dan mampir ke body & soul...there is one dress that try to say "hi" to me. yasud,akirnya masuk juga dress itu ke
lemariku dgn suksesnya.tinggal cari cardigan ajah (the dress is tube dress)...tapi kepikiran pake my wedding gown aja kali ya...

just wait for the picture :P

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

stay here.

hua....lebaran ga mudik. there some reasons why i choose to stay here:

1. harga tiket jadi naek
2. perut da gedhe (26 minggu!)
3. oktober da cuti selama 3 bulan di jogja

so....libur lebaran akan dihabiskan di jogja saja. hopefully, i can do several photo session with him (narsis mode on).

oiya...cuti rencananya mo diambil dari 25 oktober - 25 januari. kmaren da booking airasia buwat pulang ke jogja.

plan for this month:
1. finish the narrative report (for 18 students!)
2. go to the doctor and have 4D USG - can't wait to see my lil' baby!

ps: the holiday- september 17 till' september 29.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


sampai juga di titik kebosanan.
jadi bener2 pgn liburan ke jogja niy.
ugh, no activity on sunday kills me.

Friday, August 28, 2009

/too complicated to be understood/

sekian kali menyadari (lagi) bahwa apapun yg berhubungan dgn perasaan itu memang tidak ada rumus pastinya. sudah dihitung-hitung, sudah diulik-ulik tapi tetap saja tidak jelas.

just want to know,apakah yang selama ini aku pilih itu salah?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

-so sad-

suddenly this morning my (new) mobile phone didn't work.
ugh, it made me so sad and changed my mood for the whole day.

hopefully, pak ivan can fix it.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

ost of our wedding!

just wanna share ost of our wedding:
1. the prayer - dinyanyiin pas kita lg masuk greja- tuit
2. i finally find someone - dinyanyiin pas pasang cincin
3. aku ingin - gift from my lil sister
4. from this momnet - dinyanyiin pas berkat
5. sempurna - dinyanyiin pas resepsi
6. can't take my eyes - dinyanyiin pas resepsi
7. etc - lupa yg lainnya.hehehe

hopefully, you will have your ost also, friends!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

new member!

mari kita sambut datangnya the new member in our little family...jreng...jreng.....
haha...senengnya dpt gratisan!!!
maaf...untuk sementara hp lama dimuseumkan dulu.tar kalo ma yg baru da bosen baru dipake lg.

ps:last nite i dreamt that we will have baby girl. the lashes and lips look like her daddy.but knp kulitnya juga mirip bapaknya????

Monday, August 10, 2009


sudah masuk minggu ke 23 ternyata!
wuah my lil' baby sudah bertambah besar.

sudah saatnya tau baby boy or baby girl.

seharusnya minggu ini mo priksa tapi secara

pak tile kudu abroad jadi di cancel ke RSnya

(rencana sih pgn priksa sdiri aja,dah pnasaran tapi

ga dikasih ijin ma pak tile,huhuhu).

ugh....kamu boy or girl ya????

sing sabar.......

ps: kmaren my lil' baby aku ajakain ke wodstock di

Ancol buwat ntn Mr. Big.are you happy?

Saturday, August 1, 2009


tiba-tiba merindukan aktivitas semasa lajang dan semasa di jogja.
fiuh.....disini jauh sekali dari komunitas.seperti kehilangan teman-teman dekat.
pengen pulang (mellow mode on)
pengen ke mirota batik.pgn soto sagan.pgn ke coffee shop.pgn menggosip hal-hal yg tdk penting.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

saatnya berjuang lagi

maap...lama menghilang, coz i was trying to ejoy the rest of the holidays.
minggu ini da prepare buwat decorate kelas. next week anak-anak da masuk.
dpt students yg kaya apa ya????anyway, this year i have PURPLE CLASS.
hopefully smuanya lancar-lancar saja.

oiya, kmaren dpt pencerahan buwat nabung dan beli macbook.
tapi kalo nabungnya lancar mungkin sekitar desember bisa beli.
kalo nabung ga lancar ya mgkn mundur deh belinya.ugh, this mr. white
is really cute!

Friday, July 3, 2009


liburan 2 minggu dgn sukses membuat dompet menjadi tipis.
fyi,dompet sudah tipis eh...jadi lebih tipis lagi.
secara di jogja dan di solo menjadi kalap.
daftar yg membuat dompet semakin tipis:
1. dress batik,beli di PGS

2. kaos polos warna ijo
3. baju baby buwat keponakan
4. traktir lil'sari dan temans
5. beli clutch gold
6. beli underwear
7. beli novel: tea for two by clara ng
8. beli small stuffs yg ga penting....

whua...tolong...masih ada 20 hari lg menjelang tgl 25!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


suddenly thisquestion appears in my mind:
apakah yg akan kamu lakukan jika ternyata kamu salah memilih pasangan?

fiuh...simple question but with no simple answer.

just the two of and my baby.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

new collection

hi baby...welcome to my collection

actually the color isn't bronze,but brown.tapi because i'm in hurry i only get this picture.
-size: 8 (sebenernya 7 juga cukup)
-color: brown
-brand: crocs
-cover with the fur (cocok buat ngedemin kaki)
Slamat bergabung!


3 weeks holiday.yippie! it's time for having fun.
sejumlah list sudah berjejal di kepala,tinggal nuggu realisasinya.
but the most important is i can go back to my lofly place.JOGJA!!
This is the list that i hope i can do it:
1. buwat pasport (yg blm tau mo dipake keman.yg penting buwat dulu)
2. tes EPT di LIA Gejayan
3. ke Manding:pesen sepatu
4. maen ke Depok: fish is really good for the baby
5. mengunjungi Ketandan: bling-bling is a MUST
6. wisata kuliner: kopi klotok, nanamia, sate uritan lempuyangan, angkringan!

so....wait for me guys!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

what about you?

wuah...almost one month ga posting disini!

fiuh..banyak hal terjadi.salah satunya dengan sering (eh ga tlalu sering sih) teringat ma the past. apakah itu bawaan dari my baby ya? tapi aneh aja, akhir-akhir ini jadi teringat ma orang-orang di masa lalu lho. hahaha...

pengen buru-buru pertengahan mei biar tau keadaan my baby pas 3 bulan.apakah da tambah gendut ya?

ps: apakah setiap pasangan akan merasa cemburu jika mantan dari pasangannya menelpon? kok pada cemburu ya?aku enggak. what about you?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

belum jodoh

kmaren nge-check harga jam ini di gunung mas malioboro

dam ternyata bener, lebih murah daripada di jogja.

setelah semalam memutuskan mo beli ato ga,

akhirnya brangkat buwat beli.

argh....the watch is too big for my tiny arm!damn

padahal da pengen banget!

jogja oh jogja

dari beberapa tempat yg ingin dikunjungi selama di jogja,cuman ini aja yg kesampaian:
1. minggu: galeria
2. minggu: sate uritan lempuyangan
3. selasa: kantor imigrasi
4. rabu: mirota batik
5. rabu: momento
hiks...masih pengen lama disini.

Monday, March 30, 2009

i already wrote the new posting but suddenly the connection doesn't work well.fiuh....

feel lazy to type it again.

btw, tadi bis nonton dvd "penelope" yg maen christina ricci.
the movie is so nice. it bout a girl who has pig ear and nose.

so for piggy lover,you have to watch it!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

::my dream::

• crocs signature comfort available in a smart, slim-fitting mary jane-style design

• foot is fully enclosed, keeping feet warm and dry in all seasons

• more fiber located at the back of heel prevents slippage for a secure comfortable fit

• rubber sole creates traction for this go anywhere stylish shoe

• a reinforced shank provides greater arch support

• circulation nubs stimulates blood flow

• footbed conforms to foot creating a custom fit

• made with croslite™ material

RUPIAH 499000 (arghhhh)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

yesterday was saturday

after joined the seminar in Kemang Village, ivon and I decided to eat we went to Plaza Indonesia and ate sushi.yummy.habis 4 piring kecil2.and my favorite was salmon (habis 2 piring).pengen lagi!!btw, the price is reasonable :)
salmon: 11,000 idr
omelete: 7,500 idr
lemon tea: 12,000 idr
baby octopus: 28,000 idr
ada yg mau?

yesterday was saturday

Friday, March 20, 2009

bu desi

have to spend my weekend alone since pak ivan has to go to Solo for his NPWP (yg super duper ribet).belum ada rencana mo kmana yang jelas saturday kudu dateng seminar di Kemang Village (kalo ga dipaksa dari sekolah juga ga mau ikut).

so...minggu kemana ya????


day : Friday
time: 16.55
place: (still) office.


eh eh this the plan for the trip

location: bangkok thailand

date: June 14-17, 2009

ticket: PP --> 1,595,000 IDR (rencana semula ony 1,000,000 IDR).fiuh...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


last night we had a dinner in Potato Head, Pacific Place. what a nice place and also the food!
but my favorite was the deserts. And i ate:
1. tiramisu
2. waffel bluberry + ice cream
3. apple pie + ice cream
4. banana+ ice cream

wuah...mau lagi!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

weekend on march

finally we sent the refrigerator. tidak terlalu sempit lagi kos kita (fyi, kita nge-kost).
we have to pay 600.000 (ugh,it seems i can't buy new shoes this month :( )

anyway,it's saturday and we don't have plan to spend our weekend.

Friday, March 6, 2009

-another friday-

we have pajama's day at school and it's fun!!
all the students wear pajama and bring their favorite pillow (lengkap dgn sgala
macam aroma dan noda)! hahaha.seru!
we also have potluck party (sharing food) and buddy reader.

fiuh, tired.

schedule for tonight: i'm gonna attend photography exhibition in Antara, Pasar Baroe. Siapkan tenaga! lho...

- tumben koneksi cepet,apa gara2 dia tau kalo mo dipensiunkan?hihihi.
- yesterday I bought a really nice book "Three Little Pigs" pasti tau kan crita itu??

Friday, February 27, 2009

I adore them

lho postingannya ternyata gagal ya??hahaha..
ni lho isinya:

akhir-akhir ini,passion ma boots smakin gede aja,pa lg setelah browsing and see some collections,fiuh....
actually i have one pair of boot tapi tu aja oleh2 trus ga begitu sreg di hati (i have a plan to cut "surai2nya")

last month i have new shoes, not only 1 pair but 2 (fyi,yg 1 oleh-oleh itu). i bought the shoes (my lofly converse) to replace the old one (converse juga-i am a big fan of converse), and i do lof this shoes. my husband saw the shoes told me then i bought it.

i really want to upload the pictures but something wrong with the connection.argh.....i thing it's time for us to buy the new tools to get faster connection.

ps: the floral boot fits with the rainy day

Monday, February 23, 2009

::kulkas yg tidak bertempat::

fiuh....dapet kiriman refrigerator ini dari si bos. unfortunately, we don't have the space to put the we decided to send this refrigerator to jogja or solo.wakakaka. lha gedhe aja ni refrigeratornya. kmaren pas ditanya mo apa sempet mo bilang rumah aja mintanya.xixixi.tapi kok kekny maksa bgt ya....hopefully kita bisa pake refrigeratornya setelah kita punya tempat di rumah sdiri.AMIN!!!
hahaha...anyway, thx a lot for the gift.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

smell good a.k.a wangi

Hm… finally I bought this EDT for one reason only. I bought the EDT few days before I got married just because I don’t have perfume to be put on my body. I got confused when I have to choose the fragrances. And finally I chose this one. It seems the bottle say “pick me!”, xixixi. So…on my wedding this EDT accompanied me.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

i do lof it!

yup, i do lof the tight that i wore! it's cheap and look great. just mix with white shirt (it was a gift from my past,kya), skirt (my lofly skirt yg sudah kekecilan) and white shoes (but i think black shoes is much better). tapi sayang,tightnya ketinggalan di jogja.argh...

Friday, February 13, 2009


sudah weekend (lagi)!
blom punya rencana apa2.tapi masih pnasaran ma sushi tei.hiks
kpn si bapak satu itu bakalan mengeluarkan ijinnya untuk pergi kesana?
sedikit bosan juga dgn kegiatan weekend yg beragenda selalu berkunjung ke mall
(lha di jakarta memang hanya ada mall dan mall). fiuh....!

saturday: berkunjung ke mall mana ya?
sunday: mall mana lagi yg akan kukunjungi? fiuh...bosen.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

acara perhelatan akbar 2008 sudah many stories!!

tapi yg bikin paling hepi adalah kedatangan teman-temans.yippie.....

beberapa yg dateng di greja (yg laen ada yg ga ikut poto, ada juga yg lagi ganti baju).